Séjour d'immersion en français



sejour Immersion et conversation avec Raymonde

Le français à la carte

La formule Cours Individuels chez le Professeur vous permet de pratiquer votre français du matin au soir, en faisant des exercices pour accélérer votre apprentissage et en participant à des activités culturelles et/ou sportives.


Ce séjours linguistique combine un enseignement structuré à des moments de convivialité, garantissant des résultats rapides.  Elle offre la possibilité de pratiquer la langue en permanence tout en découvrant les expressions, la mentalité et les coutumes  locales.

Raymonde Fahrni 

Professeure de français diplômée FLE
(français langue étrangère)

Immersion en français  une porte ouverte aux exigences

  • de différents diplômes niveaux A1 à C2
  • d’un cadre professionnel ciblé
  • d’un voyage touristique

Idées découvertes

La Suisse romande et sa région est idéale pour pratiquer le français dans un cadre bienveillant et chaleureux. Découvrez cette merveilleuse région au gré de vos envies et intérêts. Que ce soit des balades à pied, à vélo, en VTT ou en bateau, tout ou presque est possible. Je suis à votre écoute.

Château de Chillon et Montreux

Découvrez les secrets de la forteresse millénaire en famille. et plongez dans l'histoire unique de ce monument historique. Puis visiter Montreux, nichée entre des collines escarpées et le lac, elle est réputée pour son microclimat doux et son festival de jazz, qui se déroule en juillet.

    Terrasse du Lavaux

    Inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, le vignoble de Lavaux ravira toute la famille tant la vue est imprenable. La promenade sans difficulté vous offre une vue sur les Alpes et le Jura intensifiée par la luminosité du Lac Léman. Visite et dégustation de caveau et dégustation de nos vins régionaux.

    Croisière Yvoire

    Petite croisière à Yvoire (F) et visite de la belle petite citée médiévale. Yvoire est classée parmi les plus beaux villages de France.  Une fois à terre, déambulez dans ses ruelles, faites halte dans l'une de ses petites échoppes ou laissez-vous envoûter par son Jardin des Cinq Sens.


    Ce que mes étudiants en pensent

    Judy & Grayson, Texas (USA)

    The week my daughter and I spent with Raymonde and Michel exceeded our expectations in so many ways. Raymonde is an exceptional teacher and host who really makes an effort to tailor lessons and excursions to each individual. Despite my daughter and I being at...

    Sarah, Toronto (CA)

    This was the first time I have studied as part of an immersive homestay, so I didn't know what to expect. I can honestly say it was a highlight of my summer ! Raymonde is a thoughtful host, an excellent teacher and a fun conversationalist. She made me feel welcome...

    Graciela, Portland (USA)

    A Five-Star French Immersion Adventure at My Teacher's Home! Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I recently embarked on a truly unique and unforgettable French immersion journey at Raymonde’s home in Gingins, and I can't express how remarkable the experience was. This experience deserves...

    Deborah, Los Angels (USA) & Morges (CH)

    My long-weekend with Raymonde was an absolute pleasure as well as a hearty brain workout! Raymonde first asks for the objectives that you wish to achieve during the time spent together. Then she quietly assesses your strengths and weaknesses in your spoken French as...

    Daniel, Charlotte USA

    I can’t put in a few words the value of the immersion experience that I had with Raymonde. Not only is she an accomplished language teacher but, most important, she is an amazing human being. With her guidance and patience I was able to test the limits of my knowledge...

    Revue Janet, Sydney

    I had the most wonderful time staying with Raymonde in her lovely home, experiencing Swiss life and language immersion in this beautiful area of Switzerland. Raymonde and her partner Michel both made me feel very welcome and I was so lucky to be able to also enjoy...

    Lea and Sophie, Brisbane

    My daughter and I spent a wonderful week with Raymonde and her partner Michel in their home in Switzerland. We chose to go in December which meant we were able to indulge in fondue, chocolate and other delectable Swiss food guilt-free after our hikes through the snow!...

    Makiko, Japon

    Raymonde is an excellent teacher and wonderful person. She constantly corrected my French in a friendly way, which was extremely helpful for the progress of my French. She is organized about things and always well prepared to teach. Her house was gorgeous &...

    Koh, Seattle

    I stayed with Raymonde for ten days and had the best time. Raymonde is thoughtful, energetic and well-organized. She understands your needs and is ready to work with you whether it is your language fluency or dietary needs. Aside from our morning classes, Raymonde...

    Kristi and Lilly, Nebraska

    I can’t say enough good things about my stay with Raymonde! I loved absolutely everything about my immersion experience here. Raymonde is a warm, caring, fun person who takes great care of her students. She is very generous with her time—she took us to the train...

    Cathy and Mike, Vancouver

    My wife and I really enjoyed our stay with Raymonde. She and her husband were wonderful hosts. The immersion really helped our speaking and listening skills and Raymonde introduced us to some great resources to continue our French learning. We really enjoyed our field...

    Anna, Londres

    I have just spent a few blissful days at Raymonde’s beautiful home in Switzerland. The opportunity to immerse myself in the French language and Swiss culture was an unforgettable experience. Raymonde is a wonderful host and teacher, and made me feel very welcome. My...

    Pamela, Boston

    What an enormous pleasure it was to return to Europe for my long-awaited, Covid-postponed séjour d’immersion chez Raymonde in Switzerland. Despite my anxieties about Swiss entry requirements in effect in January 2022, it was quite easy to negotiate the Swiss...


    I recently had a weekend immersion with Raymonde and it was absolutely wonderful.  I felt very welcome in her home which makes for an excellent learning environment. My primary goal was conversation practice and I definitely felt that I had improved by the end of the...

    Jane & Eleonore

    My 27-year-old daughter and I spent a lovely week improving our French with Raymonde  in September 2021, and we highly recommend an immersion stay with her in Gingins. She is a warm and welcoming hostess as well as an astute "prof". In addition to improving our French...

    Offre de séjour

    6 nuits pour CHF 2'200.-

    • 15 heures de cours intensifs (3 heures tous les matins)
    • 2 excusions accompagnées par votre professeure (à choix)
    • Petit déjeuner, repas de midi et repas léger en fin de journée
    • Nombre maximum d'étudiants 2 (chambre double) + 1-2 (chambre supplémentaire)
    • Niveau de français demandé: minimum A2

    A noter que les 15 heures de cours intensifs peuvent être convertis en plus d’heures d’excursions !

    Le tarif pour une personne supplémentaire partageant la même chambre, les cours et les excursions est de CHF 1'100.—.

    Posez-moi vos questions 

    N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour une offre personnalisée.

    Formulaire de contact

    15 + 7 =